This header showcases a few main aspects of our bar styling options—but certainly not all!
First, we have a transparent, "absolute" bar overhanging everything. That bar is the one that houses this off canvas area.
Next, we have our "full-height" bar that is actually using a little bit of CSS magic to offset the height of the bar below it (notice how that bar is always positioned at the bottom of the screen). Additionally, notice how the text and buttons inside this bar respond to the sizing of the viewport all without the need for JavaScript.
Then, we have our last visible bar that houses our logo and navigation. This bar becomes sticky as you scroll down the screen, and also shrinks to a specified ratio of its original size. Notice how the links maintain their positioning and the logo scales automatically. Also, we've turned on our "content scrolling" for this bar, allowing its contents to be scrolled horizontally on smaller screens, a pattern we're seeing much more of on mobile devices these days.
Finally, as you scroll further down the page, you'll notice a final sticky bar slide in...from out of nowhere! This utilizes our "initially hidden" option, which allows you to bring in content further down a page as needed, perfect for the calls to action in our example.
This is only a sliver of what is possible with our new bar styling options available in our header builder. We've abstracted out a core set of useful features to achieve complex navigation layouts, and then our styling and JavaScript takes care of the rest intelligently. We look forward to seeing what you create with these new tools!